I updated me.Blog recently. Nothing fantastic but just my regular update of my blog. Below are what I added to me.Blog.
The first thing you will notice in me.Blog is Google Adsense just beside this paragraph. I've placed Google Adsense at a location that is one of the recommended place for an ad to be placed. Hopefully it will catch my readers attention.
Google Adsense is definately a proven way for bloggers to monetize their blog. If you have a blog and haven't sign up for Google Adsense, you can sign up clicking on Google Adsense referral unit on me.Blog. I'll earn five bucks if you sign up through that link and earn five bucks within 180 days of sign-up.
The second thing is Amazon advertisement in me.Blog. I have joined Amazon Associate Program recently and selected some good blogging books from Amazon and displayed them on me.Blog. They are very useful for those who take blogging seriously. Please take a look. If you are a movie buff, you can also download your favorite TV shows and movies from Amazon through me.Blog to watch it on your PC. Click the link after this sentence to give it a try. Unbox Bestsellers.
You'll also notice a new "Add This Blog to My Technorati Favorites" button at right sidebar. Technorati is a very influential social networking site in bloggers' world. Bloggers and readers alike use Technorati to track their favorite blogs and topics. This button help the readers to add your blog as one of their favorites in Technorati. If a reader click on this button, it will bring the reader to the page where the user can sign up, log on and add your blog as their favorite. Very useful right? If you don't have the button yet, you should add one.
Here is how to do it for Blogger blog. First sign up with Technorati then go to http://technorati.com/account/favbuttons.html. Choose the one you like and copy the code. Then paste it into the Page Element -> Add a Page Element -> HTML/JavaScript box in Blogger. Save it and when you load up your blog again, you will see the button. That's it. Nice and neat!
The second feature I add was Blog Flux Polls. Please take a look at here. My first poll is about making money while blogging. Do you believe that you can make money blogging? I'm really new in this area and have no idea about it. So I need your opinion. Do you think it is possible? What ever your opinion is, please take part in my poll, ok?
Below is some development me.Blog recived.
me.Blog reveived its first link last week as reported by Technorati. It was from a blog called www.myspacerip.com. Click here to see the link. Frankly speaking, I don't know why they link my post for. Really clueless, feel really strange! Check it out.
Last week me.Blog receive its first comment. It was was posted on 18 March from Peter Haslam of Necessary Skills. I've been expecting some comments and luckily, here it is. Thanks, Peter! Here is his comment. If you have anything to say about me.Blog, please feel free to do so. You can always feed back to me via comments or email. See ya!
Ok.. That's all for this week! I will continue my blog updating. So keep in tuning..
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